Follow me through my experiences as I try to become fit with a program I miraculously found in a magazine!

Seventeen's 6-Week Summer Makeover

When I opened up my issue of Seventeen magazine I had no idea I was going to find this. I had just been thinking about how much I'm overweight and the possible health problems I have gotten or could possibly get because of it and then I decide to read my magazine. I don't normally read much of it until many months later but this issue I read a little more intensely and I was amazed when I got to the mini mag inside. It was a fitness mag, a section that I personally like to read from front to back, and there was an article about... ME! It was about a fitness plan that a girl named Whitney used to lose 100lbs in 6 weeks! I was astonished and totally related to the article. I then decided that this was a sign. I was after all just thinking about how I can't keep up a healthy habit and need to lose weight and felt that this was a sign from God! I started it and now feel really good about myself and that I found a plan that works for me! Even if the results aren't at all what the other me proclaimed, it could be the fact that I don't do everything exactly right, I'm confortable with keeping up with the schedule, something I couldn't do in the past. I have actually lost some weight and am currently on my fifth week. I found from the videos that I haven't been doing exactly what is necessary to lose the advertised amount of weight but now I think I can do it! Another problem I have is eating right. This always interferes with my workout attempts, especially when I go home. I do eat smaller portions and have found that the workouts decrease my appetite! I hope to blog about my experience as is recommended in the mini mag and get some feedback from my readers... well maybe not feedback. This is something that I'm still determined to do on my fifth week and that, for me, is a miracle. I totally recommend the articles found on the website and in the min mag along with the workout plan. I hope to see better results as I continue and prolong the plan to fit my new, hopefully healthy, life!

> It's Here: Your 6-Week Summer Makeover!

>Meet Whitney, Who Lost 100LBS! 1 comments

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